Arrogation: Unlight of Day Complete Walkthrough

世界 2023-01-28 10:05:16 moeskin

第1页:Chapter 1 Yunlin The Main Residence

Arrogation: Unlight of Day is a horror game developed by Corax_Studios and published by Gamesky Games. Here is the game guidance discovering an uncanny village in the 1980s.

Chapter 1 Yunlin The Main Residence

Get the lighter and a fuel canister when leaving the room. Be aware of the fuel canisters. The light’s won’t be able to illuminate the surroundings as its fuel runs out. Simply press R refuel the lighter with a fuel canister to ignite it again.

Get the Black Drug on the table of the living room and press Q to use it, which can help restore stamina and greatly improve moving speeds in a while.

Answer the phone upstairs and obtain the crowbar in the storage room beside the balcony.

Return to the phone and get the camera. With the camera, the documents once unable to be viewed can now be checked.

Use the crowbar to open the main residence and leave the main residence.



友情提示:支持键盘左右键“← →”翻页


  • 第1页:Chapter 1 Yunlin The Main Residence
版权声明: moeskin 发表于 2023-01-28 10:05:16。
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